Our Facilities

Sphinctotonometer for Examination

Laser Treatment

Videoproctosigmoidoscopy for examination

IRC( Infra Red Coagulation) examination

DGHAL ( Doppler Guided Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation )

Our Treatments

Videoproctosigmoidoscopy for examination


  •  Piles
  •  Fissure
  •  Fistula
  •  Proctitis
  •  Cryptitis
  •  Ano Rectal Abscess
  •  Anal Papillae
  •  Rectal Polyp
  •  Ca-Rectum
  •  Submucosal
  •  Solitary Rectal ulcer
  •  Rectal Prolapse
  •  Internal openin of fistula
  •  Anal Polyp


  •  To make complete Diagnosis
  •  To make an easy diagnosis
  •  To reduce Ca of Rectum
  •  No Preparation
  •  Less Expensive
  •  Patient Satisfaction
  •  To select Proper & Perfect treatment
  •  To exclude other Diseases
  •  To make a good prognosis


Laser Treatment

Laser Treatment for Fistula

IRC( Infra Red Coagulation)


  • No anesthesia
  • No hospitalization
  • No surgery
  • No pain
  • No blood loss
  • No raw area
  • Economical
  • Immediate return of routine work

Safe for:

    • Diabetic
    • Pregnancy
    • Kidney Failure
    • Portal Hypertension
    • Heart Patient Saftey treated
    • No, any investigation
    • O. P .D Procedure

R F ablation of pile

Injection Therapy


  • 1st & 2nd degree pile


  • No anaesthesia
  • Convenience
  • O. P .D Procedure

Rubber band ligation

  • Grade 1st & 2nd of Internal pile
  • No Anaesthesia
  • O.P.D Procedure
  • Economical
  • Para Surgical Procedure
  • No bleeding
  • No pain

Lords Procedure


  • 1st & 2nd & early 3rd Degree Pile & Fissure
  • One Day hospitalization
  • Anesthesia – G.A./S.A
  • O.P.D. Procedure


  • Less Pain
  • Painless defecation
  • No postoperative bleeding

DGHAL ( Doppler Guided Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation )


  • 1st to the early 3rd degree
  • Six haemorrhoidal arteries are ligated
  • Anesthesia may be / may not be
  • Para Surgical
  • No Hospitalisation
  • O. P .D Procedure


  • 100% Cure
  • No Recurrence
  • All Piles treated at same time.

Seton / Kshara sutra / Chemical Fistulotomy

  • All type Fistula
  • 100% cure rate
  • No recurrence
  • Sphincter-saving treatment
  • No Incontinence

Fistula Plug Treatment

Anal fistula plug is made up of submucosa of the small intestine and is a highly sophisticated absorbable material which is absorbed or dissolved by the body in 6-8 weeks. This plug is placed and anchored in the fistula tract by a special technique and internal opening is closed over it.


  • high fistulae.
  • Long, complex fistulae.
  • Recurrent fistulae.
  • Horseshoe fistulae.
  • Anterior radial fistulae.
  • Low fistula if a patient wants painless, less hospitalization and fast recovery.

Advantages of fistula plug

  • Non-invasive
  • Little pain
  • Early recovery.
  • Less morbidity.
  • Short hospitalization.
  • No risk of incontinence
  • Biological closure.
  • Minimal foreign body reaction.

Lift Technique for Fistula

In the LIFT procedure, the sphincter is not divided. A cut is given and a plane is developed between the two anal sphincters and the fistula tract passing between the two anal sphincters muscles is isolated. This portion of the fistula tract between the sphincters is ligated and excised. The internal opening of the track is cauterized and the portion of the fistula tract outside the sphincters is curetted.


  • High fistula.
  • Long Trans sphincteric fistula.
  • Recurrent fistulae.
  • Horseshoe-shaped fistulae.



  • Less invasive
  • Little pain
  • Early recovery
  • Less morbidity
  • Short hospitalization
  • No risk of incontinence.

Chemical fistulotomy

M.I.P.H ( Minimal Invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoid )

  • A type of haemorrhoidectomy by Stapler
  • Anesthesia
  • Reduced Pain
  • Shorter hospitalization
  • Reduced Blood loss
  • Faster return to normal activity
  • Reduced post-surgery discomfort