Frequently Asked Questions

If any problem is developed around the anus, be careful and consult immediately to your dr or any colo proctologist for proper treatment. Any false treatment may be cause of fistula formation. All perianal  abscess are mostly fistula in ano.

Treatment for Anal Fistula. … Often these medications will cure the infection and heal the fistula. If Crohn’s disease is not present, it still may be worthwhile to try a course of antibiotics. If these do not work, surgery is usually very effective.

Fistula tracts must be treated because they will not heal on their ownThere is a risk of developing cancer in the fistula tract if left untreated for a long period of time. Most fistulas are simple to treat. Either the track or fistula can be opened or the track and the pocket inside are completely removed. rial infection.

fistula may cause complications. In some cases, fistulas might not heal, and become chronic. Other potential complications include fistula drainage, sepsis, and perforation and peritonitis. Sepsis is a lifethreatening illness that results from the body’s response to bacteria.

fistula is a small tunnel that connects the infected gland inside the anus to an opening on the skin around the anus. Symptoms include pain and swelling around the anus, discharge on & off around or in anal canal as well as pain with bowel movements. The treatment for an anal fistula is surgery.

Anal Fistula Now Can Be Completely Cured Without or with Surgery. But only by expert & skilled Proctosurgeon.

This means the abscess may repeatedly form and then drain again. Anal fistulas are not dangerous, but once they form, they probably will not heal permanently without proper treatment and treatment may be one of LASER/RF/VAFT/LIFT/SLOFT/KS. , Most commonly, surgery is done to open the fistula track.

fistula is a small tunnel that connects the infected gland inside the anus to an opening on the skin around the anus. Symptoms include pain and swelling around the anus, as well as pain with bowel movements. The treatment for an anal fistula is surgery.


Causes of anal fistulas

  • Crohn’s disease – a long-term condition in which the digestive system becomes inflamed.
  • diverticulitis – infection of the small pouches that can stick out of the side of the large intestine (colon)
  • hidradenitis suppurativa – a long-term skin condition that causes abscesses and scarring.

The hemorrhoid is a very common disease presenting an increased prevalence over time. Currently, it is estimated that 75% of American people will experience hemorrhoids symptoms at some point in their life, whereas in 1990 epidemiological studies showed a hemorrhoids prevalence of 4.4% in the American population.

Clinically, hemorrhoids are mostly characterized with painless rectal bleeding during defecation. This symptom can be accompanied with mucus discharge, a burning sensation, and itching.

According to their severity, hemorrhoids are classified into four grades:

  • Grades 1 are slightly enlarged internal hemorrhoids.
  • Grades 2 are larger hemorrhoids which prolapse and become external during defecation or certain physical activities. They reduce spontaneously.
  • Grades 3 are external hemorrhoids which require manual reduction.
  • Grades 4 are non-reducible external hemorrhoids.

The difference between anal fissures and hemorrhoids is that they are each adifferent kind of injury. While an anal fissure is a tear of tissue, hemorrhoids are caused by the weakening of cushions of tissue in the lower rectum, causing the skin to blow up like a tiny balloon and fill with blood.

Piles or hemorrhoids is an anorectal disease characterized by the enlargement

and the distal displacement of the anal cushions situated at the end of the rectum. Anal cushions are normal connective tissue and smooth muscle formations, filled with blood vessels. They are involved with the anal sphincter in the control of bowel movement